Friday, December 19, 2008

Christmas Baking!

It's that time of year again! Time to make Christmas goodies, and this year the kids all helped Mommy bake. We had a lot of fun. I was even able to make some really tasty goodies that were "Maddy friendly"(without gluten or casein) and was pretty happy with how they turned out! They are delicious!
Maddy all ready to go!
Our cute little bakers!
Libby all ready to bake. Liberty's method of baking is to stick her finger in the bowl after each ingredient is added to make sure it tastes right. She would be our quality control specialist. Thanks, Libby!
Spencer, like always, is just happy to be doing whatever Mommy is doing.
The kids and I really had a fun and pretty messy time! I hate this picture of me, but the kids are so dang cute. I think Maddy must know that this is some of the cookie dough that is off limits for her judging by the look in her face.