Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Finally - a Positive Diagnosis!

We finally have a positive diagnosis for what is going on in my head. After having another CT scan and talking with the head of neurosurgery at UNMC, we have determined that I have what is called a Chiari 1 Malformation. It is a condition that I was born with and is where there is not enough room for my cerebellum and the cerebellum tonsils are forced down into my spinal collum. The doctor's hypothesis is that during pregnancy with all of the shifts in fluid that happen in the body, the cerebellum tonsils blocked off the fluid flow completely in my spinal collum causing hydrocephalus. If anyone wants to read more about it - here is a link. http://www.neurosurgerytoday.org/what/patient_e/chiari2.asp
It is geared toward parents who have been told their children have a Chiari Malformation, but is completely applicable in my situation and explains it all. I am happy to finally know for sure what is going on in my head!

1 comment:

lace1070 said...

I am a fellow Chiarian and stumbled upon your site today ~ I have know about my Brain Tail since Sept06 and have done lots of research ~ Take your time in finding the right treatment for you and if you can go to The Chiari Institute in NY ~ do it ~ they are the experts. Check out my blog if you want to read about my ongoing journey with Chiari. Blessings to you ~ Lacie